Factors Shaping the Future of Education

When the rapid advancement in technology has been transforming all industries, then how come the world of education is left behind? In the last few years the way schooling is carried out, and how the way we used to learn has changed a lot. In the coming years, this education sector will be changing a lot too. It’s not only technology but there are several factors that are driving this transformation and the future of education.

In this article let us check out some different factors that are going to revolutionize and impact the ways of learning and teaching. We will also see in what way the education industry is being transformed.

Factors Shaping the Future of Education:


Undoubtedly, technology has played an important role in revolutionizing primary, or secondary as well as higher education. According to a report by HolonIQ, the global education technology market is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2030. Also, a survey by Deloitte found that 80% of educators believe that technology is essential for teaching and learning.

Earlier, while learning to recite poems was limited to how teachers taught in traditional ways, has now completely transformed in the form of videos and songs available freely on YouTube.

Lately, the introduction of online learning platforms and, the use of artificial intelligence and other tools to personalize learning, have fueled the faster transformation of education sector. Facilitating self-paced learning, enhancing learning as well as teaching experience, and providing access to quality education in the remotest places, technology is one thing shaping the future of education.


Not many experts acknowledge this, but Globalization as it used to earlier, will continue to shape the future of higher education institutions. The world is becoming more and more interconnected, with boundaries becoming shorter. Students have become highly mobile, global education is becoming more affordable and easier, which is leading to more diverse and inclusive learning environments.

Now, global education isn’t confined to learning the subject’s core concepts, but it goes even further by teaching students about cultures, languages, global citizenship skills, and much more. Because in the end, global students have to perform at global levels. In fact, a recent survey from the World Economic Forum reported that 75% of employers believe that global citizenship skills are important for employee success.

Lifelong learning

While the education system used to be limited earlier, has now got its wings. Now learning is not only till your master's or Ph.D., it is lifelong. Because of the ever-accelerating pace of change in the workforce, learning throughout has become indispensable. You need to continuously upskill, familiarize yourself with the latest tools and technologies in your industry, and gain new skills to stay relevant to your industry.

Many institutes and universities have started the initiative to support lifelong learning for their students via online courses and certification programs, shaping the future of education.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

The social and Emotional Learning is gaining importance in the education sector now because it equips students with essential life skills and not just academics. It includes enhancing emotional intelligence, resilience, empathy, and problem-solving among students. Primary or higher education institutes are increasingly integrating SEL programs into their curriculum that is helping students learn how to manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, and build meaningful relationships.

It not only helps them academically but also helps them navigate their life successfully. A study by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) showed students who participate in SEL programs are more likely to graduate from high school, go to college, and earn higher wages.

In addition to the key trends mentioned above, there are several other factors that are also contributing to shaping the future of education, such as:

  • Adaptive learning: This refers to adaptive learning platforms using the power of technology to help personalize learning programs for students. It helps customize the learning experience for each student meeting their learning preference, and pace, and addressing challenges individually.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality: with the use of virtual and augmented reality technology, the learning experience has become more immersive, engaging, and captivating for students.
  • Micro-credentials: This refers to short-term courses that help students gain specific job-relevant skills and knowledge. thus, micro-credentials make students more marketable in various job industries which is leading to gaining popularity.


Before the digital era, the education system remained quite stagnant with not much evolution. There were the same textbooks and classroom teachings even the curriculum took years to change. But now the education industry has become more demanding and more challenging. Students now prefer the courses that will help them make future as well as job ready. Higher education institutions can rely on the same old syllabus and expect to grow their student base. Also, it is time for educational universities and institutions to adapt to the advent of Artificial Intelligence in their teaching methodology.

With collective efforts, giving due respect to the technological transformation, the entire learning and teaching experience will be transformed in the coming years.

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