Reimagining Higher Education: Top 8 Trends to watch out for in 2023

a certification, degree, or diploma is worth more than just a piece of paper. It authenticates your competence in subjects learned at the university or college; and stands the credibility tests through your interview journey. International standards in higher education have become a reflection of escalating demand for a variety of curricula streams and major demographic changes. Unemployment rates are predicted to spike in the future, which is directly reflected through profiteering college majors such as petroleum engineering, geosciences, actuarial science, etc. The global population of university graduates is expected to nearly double over this decade and next to reach 300 million by 2030. According to the oecd records, the proportion of 25–34-year-olds with a higher education qualification is now larger than the proportion with upper secondary education only.

gartner has recently projected a 23% increase for the global market of no-code tool technology. Coding has been garnering interest from young adults at school and makes it a popular decision for building this key futuristic skill. Many education technology companies have succumbed to the fact that higher education is inaccessible to the socio-economically underprivileged; as it lacks focus on up-to-date knowledge. This hampers the quality and access to higher education.

globalization of higher education aims at opening a global dimension and a holistic perspective in education to help people understand the complex realities and processes of today's world and develop values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills that will enable them to face the challenges of an interconnected world.

as the best us education company, edtechdigit innovations is the name that reigns across borders as it has a long-standing reputation in the field of making quality higher education accessible for deserving aspirants. As is evident that the employability rates for students with higher college degrees rank higher among others with high-school pass-outs. Many trends are envisioned for the future scenario of quality education for all at higher levels.

top 8 trends in higher education industry in 2023 include:

  1. college tuition becoming affordable cost is the foremost factor impacting the decision of many students to pursue higher education. Starting in 2021, college costs have been dropping with y-o-y tuition declining by 5% for private schools and by 4% for public schools.
  2. discount fees by private institutions this has come as a blessing as major private institutions have decided to freeze costs or even slash tuition fees for the school year 2021-22 to help families during the pandemic. The average amount the states in the us spend per full-time student on financial aid comes to usd 1051 annually, which is a hugely welcome step.
  3. shifting campus demographics about 59% of high school graduates aged 18-20 are in college, and most of them report that they feel a college degree is important. More high school grads attend colleges and universities without being held back by full-time work or family obligations.
  4. learning from anywhere- accessible online education 2023 is on course to be an exciting year for digital education. New technologies will continue to create exciting and interactive learning environments. It is set to offer a greater sense of accessibility and inclusion, ensuring more people take advantage of life-changing educational opportunities. Hybrid learning doesn't mean combining a virtual and physical classroom, but allowing for truly immersive and experiential learning, enabling students to apply concepts learned in the classroom out in the real world.
  5. international student recruitment although the pandemic has impacted adversely the enrolment rates of international students. Leveraging international student activities can help raise new revenues and recruit more international students and encourage partnerships with universities abroad also raise the stature of colleges and universities to global audiences.
  6. feasible student loans accumulating student loans continue to be a worrying part of a college education. An income-driven repayment plan is a good idea to help borrowers with paying off student loans.
  7. active learning instead of lectures lectures were considered an effective way to impart education to the masses for ages. With the turn of the century, and the advent of the pandemic, active learning has become the thing. Digital information is free and readily available online; making it a thousand times cheaper option to access quality education in today's times. edtechdigit innovations is committed to the demonstration of effective learning outcomes via deploying learner-centric teaching-learning pedagogies online.
  8. teaching relevant skills universities across the globe are forever playing catch up with the skills needed in the future workplace. The more enduring skills of today would include: how to identify and relate to readers, how to compose a written piece, and how to choose the right medium for your target readership in the journalism student fraternity.

what's more pressing is how education quality today stands to influence the future workforce. Education reform requires looking at the root cause of some of its current problems. By working in collaboration with educational institutions, corporations, and education technology companies provide industry-specific courses to build highly skilled graduates of the future.

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